Tp Link Wn722n Windows 10
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Tp Link Wn722n Windows 10 Driver Stahnout
The latest TL-WN722N driver (tested and compatible with Windows 8.1) works in the Windows 10 OS for me but Windows shuts down the driver when the computer is put to sleep. I was having to physically disconnect the adapter and then plug it in again every time I woke up my computer to get a wireless network connection. I asked Windows Device Manager to find an updated driver and there wasn't one available, so I selected the Wireless Network Adapter Properties for the device in Device Manager and under the 'Power Management' tab I saw that 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power' was selected by default, so I de-selected that option and everything seems to work now. Has anyone found a driver that allows this device to work on wake-up without allowing the computer to turn off the device in sleep mode?