Delphi Version Numbers

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Here is how I do it. I most strongly recommend not to use GetFileVersion when you want to know the version of the executable that is currently running! I have two pretty good reasons to do this: • The executable may be unaccessible (disconnected drive/share), or changed (.exe renamed to.bak and replaced by a new.exe without the running process being stopped).

  1. Database Programming Delphi Version 6 Video
  2. Delphi 7 License

Database Programming Delphi Version 6 Video

Twilight breaking dawn part 2 full movie hd youtube. RAD Studio 10.3 Rio includes access to previous versions. With the current version of RAD Studio, you also get access to licenses for older versions – RAD Studio XE4-10.2 Tokyo, Delphi 7 and 2007-XE3, C++Builder 6 and 2007-XE3, HTML5 Builder XE3 and RadPHP XE-XE2. How to define application version in one place for multiple applications? Because we plan on changing the version numbers more frequently. In the Embarcadero.

• The version data you're trying to read has actually already been loaded into memory, and is available to you by loading this resource, which is always better than to perform extra (relatively slow) disk operations. To load the version resource in Delphi I use code like this: uses Windows,Classes,SysUtils; var verblock:PVSFIXEDFILEINFO; versionMS,versionLS:cardinal; verlen:cardinal; rs:TResourceStream; m:TMemoryStream; p:pointer; s:cardinal; begin m:=TMemoryStream.Create; try rs:=TResourceStream.CreateFromID(HInstance,1,RT_VERSION); try m.CopyFrom(rs,rs.Size); finally rs.Free; end; m.Position:=0; if VerQueryValue(m.Memory,' ',pointer(verblock),verlen) then begin VersionMS:=verblock.dwFileVersionMS; VersionLS:=verblock.dwFileVersionLS; AppVersionString:=Application.Title+' '+ IntToStr(versionMS shr 16)+'.' + IntToStr(versionMS and $FFFF)+'.'

+ IntToStr(VersionLS shr 16)+'.' + IntToStr(VersionLS and $FFFF); end; if VerQueryValue(m.Memory,PChar(' StringFileInfo '+ IntToHex(GetThreadLocale,4)+IntToHex(GetACP,4)+' FileDescription'),p,s) or VerQueryValue(m.Memory,' StringFileInfo 040904E4 FileDescription',p,s) then //en-us AppVersionString:=PChar(p)+' '+AppVersionString; finally m.Free; end; end. Pass the full file name of your EXE to this function, and it will return a string like:, or whatever your version # is.

Thanks to the posts above, I made my own library for this purpose. I believe that it is a little bit more correct than all other solutions here, so I share it - feel free to reuse it.

Delphi version constants

Desene disney 2017 dublate in romana. RAD Studio 10.3 Rio includes access to previous versions With the current version of RAD Studio, you also get access to licenses for older versions – RAD Studio XE4-10.2 Tokyo, Delphi 7 and 2007-XE3, C++Builder 6 and 2007-XE3, HTML5 Builder XE3 and RadPHP XE-XE2. How to get your earlier version licenses and downloads Named user licenses, 5-packs or 10-packs • Each serial number that also requires an older version license must be registered to a unique Embarcadero Developer Network (EDN) account that is associated with the intended end user of the product. • You must install and register your 10.x serial number before you request the older version licenses. • You must request your older version licenses within 180 days of your purchase of the 10.x product. • Your earlier version licenses will be tied to your user account and cannot be given away or sold. If your 10.x license is an upgrade, you will not receive additional licenses for older versions that you already own. • Older versions are available for the core product and for the Professional Mobile and FireDAC Client/Server Add-On Packs Choose a link below to obtain earlier version licenses for your 10.3 Rio product: • Professional or Enterprise edition:, • Architect Edition:, • If you purchased Network Named or Concurrent licenses, the older version licenses for versions 2007-10.2 Tokyo will be included as part of your network license.

Delphi 7 License


Each network license count is a suite license that can be used to run one of the included versions at a time. • Delphi 7 and C++Builder 6 are not available as part of the network licenses but on request you can receive one Delphi 7 and one C++Builder 6 serial number per license purchased.

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