Sequential Engineering

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H-Pattern Synchromesh: Quaife's range of Clubman and heavy duty H-pattern synchromesh gearboxes retain the standard synchromesh engagement parts from the original gearboxes, and offer optimised gear ratios for motorsport to make the most of the power and torque from the engine in any given gear. Dog Engagement: These are the next progression from a synchromesh gearbox, and are for those looking to decrease the time spent shifting gear by removing the necessity of operating the clutch for each gear change.

  1. Concurrent Vs Sequential
  2. Define Engineering Design Process

Concurrent Vs Sequential

Many of these dog boxes still use the same ratios as the synchromesh boxes. The ability to shift gear without using the clutch reduces the time spent off the power and allows drivers to get back on the power sooner, resulting in faster overall race times. Shifting with a dog box is different to a synchro box in that gear changes need to be fast and positive rather than slow and smooth.

In most sequential engineering processes, it was custom-ary for the market research department to determine cus-tomer or user needs and throw its sales projection data over the wall to planning. Concurrent engineering is a method by which several teams within an organization work simultaneously to develop new products and services. By engaging in multiple aspects of development concurrently, the amount of time involved in getting a new product to the market is decreased significantly. Sequential and concurrent engineering With today's marketplace becoming more and more competitive, there is an ever-increasing pressure on companies to respond quickly to market needs, be cost effective, reduce lead-times to market and deliver superior quality products.

Linear vs sequentialSequential EngineeringSequential engineering design

Define Engineering Design Process

Sequential For those looking for the ultimate in fast gear changes, our range of sequential gearboxes is the logical progression from H-pattern gearboxes, offering ultra-fast gear changes through use of Quaife's proven drum change technology. These sequential gearboxes are fully compatible with flat-shift ignition cut systems to allow full throttle gear changes, so unlike an H-pattern dog box, where lifting off the throttle is required, gear changes can be made with no noticeable interruption to power delivery. Quaife Speed Calculator Optimise your gear ratios to suit your requirements with our Free Speed calculator.. (Self Extracting EXE).